A Paper Thin Hymn

Sorry to have kept you waiting! ;_;
WC: 500+

lost into the weight of gravity

Haven, Salem, Brooklyn, Mati. She had met one of the four, and found a resonating soul within him, someone she could instantly relate to. Yet another sign that something cosmic was drawing her to this family, something that made them all irresistible to her. She was aware of the bare facts, but still - she could not hide the flicker of pain that flashed in her eyes, hearing her Anu admit that she had belonged to another. Of course it was true, and she had already known that, so why did it sting to hear it come from her lips...? They had promised nothing to each other. Coli was barely an acquaintance at this point, despite the mutual attraction - or addiction - that they felt. But it hurt, suddenly forced to imagine the sandy-blond werewolf in the arms of another, sharing lingering glances and intimate caresses - and of course, in her imagination, the faceless "other woman" was far more beautiful and skilled and better in every way. "I... I see," she choked out, overwhelmed by how quickly the tides of peace had crashed into envy. This was her fault, for asking nosy questions. Maybe it would have been easier to pretend that she was the only one in Anu's life, rather than the jealous truth.

A vague question that had been nudging at the corners of her mind had been answered; how did same-sex pairs go about starting a family? She assumed that they had to adopt their children, but there was another option, the option that Haven's parents had chosen, whether purposefully or by happy accident. One of the two loving ladies could agree to bear a man's children. Perhaps the question she should have been asking was "how do you choose the sire", but those thoughts were far beyond the here and now. As much as thoughts of motherhood and puppies appealed to her inexperienced mind, she knew that it wasn't anything she would be lucky enough to participate in anytime soon.

Anu's shining gaze dropped, her smile faltering weakly. Coli couldn't help but tighten her grip on the woman's hand - she couldn't slip away, not now! No matter the burdens of reality. They both suffered from it. Didn't everyone? Hiding her life didn't mean it doesn't exist. The words rang in her head, but the echoes paled before they could slip from her lips. The best she could offer was a faint whine, a flat pathetic mewl that cried of neediness and sympathy. She was certainly the farthest thing from perfection - a feeble-minded child in a grown woman's body, cut off from the world by her own barriers, praying for acceptance and mediocrity without putting forth any effort to achieve it. How had she ever managed to convince anyone otherwise? How long would she continue to drag down those around her, relying on their support to keep her own miserable spirits up? "I... don't know where you could possibly have g-gotten the idea... that I was... perfect," she managed to whisper bitterly, hating to contradict the older fay, but hating the lie more. Anu was perfect, she was set atop that pedestal to stay, but she didn't need to waste her pity on someone this hopeless. She didn't want to waste Anu's time. But she couldn't possibly prise her paws away from the warm hand in their grip, either. She was still selfish enough to never let go. What did she really want? It was all so confusing!


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