the call of constellations
Blargh, exams! <3

She had yet to find Gabriel. Let alone she had yet to find a way in telling him what she wanted him to hear. There was nothing she could do at the moment and in the mean time she had to bide her time and wait for what was to come. Figuring out a way to word it to the male without angering him. The last thing she needed was to be the cause of their leader running away to find his mate.. or ex-mate. Maybe they had gotten in a terrible argument and he already knew of her nearly crippled state. Whatever the cause Midnight was not too alarmed, Faolin had seemed fine, just like she always turned out in the end. She was a strong girl and was quite capable of taking care of herself.

Midnight was brought back to the present as the voice pierced through her thoughts and brought her back to reality. She blinked a few times at his question before giving a nod of her head announcing she was fine. Her ears draped back over her head as she glanced from him to the ground unsure of what his intention were. Wolves here were so finicky, you could find more wolves that hated coyote then you could find ones that did not mind them. Although her white fur was nothing normal for a coyote she still looked like a spitting image of one. Then of course to top it off, her feature that looked coyote seemed to be bigger than the average coyote's ears, slenderness, et cetera. She looked back up at the male shyly awaiting some kind of dismissal from him.

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