A Paper Thin Hymn

i want another after this. a few more and then we can close?

Only once in her life had Anu been made to feel like she was wrong in the choice she made. The choice being; the female she had taken as her first mate. Another had sought revenge for being rejected, and such pain could still be felt along her right leg. But Anu had not changed as he had wished, she hadn't sought the commitment from a male, she refused to think that such desire and unwavering devotion could not be found in the arms of another female. She had chosen to take another mate, years after, who was with child and had felt the worst pain a male could bring. And then again she found that desire and lust draw her to a fey that had never know such love. It was unending, and weakened her each time love dwindled or every time she was rejected. It was easy for the experienced female to see the trouble that worked through Coli’s eyes. Anu could hear the thoughts, the questions and the worry. But this was not her first, and the small words that the chocolate delight spoke made it obvious to her that she had not know.

Our love faded, either of us could understand it. See, she was broken. Something within did not make it possible for love to remain constant and for it to work, and she had hurt Naniko and confused her just as much as she no doubt confused Colibri. Anu did not want that, and could not manage finding that they both stood before each other with hearts bleeding and not understanding why or how they had been broken. Her words were a confession that coincided with others that she made. The blue orbs that looked to her made Anu want to spill every secret that she had, wanted to tell her every desire and want. But the control that came with age held them back, as well as fear of chasing her away.

Looking with almost pleading eyes Anu felt the pressure against her hand. The soft touch was no longer, but Colibri embraced her paw as if holding onto the very thing Anu needed to pull away. Her heart beat rapidly, faster then before and with a drum-like beat in her ear. She controlled her breathing, willing it to be just the slow in and out. It hardly listened. Her entirety was enthralled by the voice that filled her thoughts, each part disobeying their owner and falling to the power of the beautiful female that spoke. Her words did not sound like commands, but each followed it and changed. They made her smile, while she should have frowned. They made her hand open, taking the fingers that held it and feeling the soft fur gently. The tone brought her head closer, as if she could not hear them, though Anu hung on each word and waited eagerly for the next. Eyes looked down when they should have stared her in the face to ask to be released.

They made her want to never go, when she should have turned her back.

Anu looked to their hands, taking it with one paw and gently placing their palms together as she spoke. I could list the ways, Colibri Haki. When she should guard her heart, it was the eyes of life giving water and a face that was a soul warming sun that made her expose her heart freely. I never want you to feel anything less. And then, as the words passed her lips Anu had to turn her thoughts towards her responsibility, there was nothing more important then saving themselves from heartache. You will visit me? She paused, but only for a breath. Say you will. Tell me, Anu thought, that you will chase me as I run from you. The woman could not bare the thought of letting their paws slip away, but she needed to think without the master her heart and body had devoted themselves to.


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