hear the sigh of the trees

Haha 300+

The little creature blinked in confusion at the bright light, but padded about in a circle around the blonde child, peeking at this new, stranger that looked so much like its ‘mother’. The golden eyed child’s tongue rolled out of her mouth in a happy manner. Her tail was beyond any control, and she reluctantly allowed it to wave around as it pleased. The younger child’s eyes slowly widened. Next thing that happened made Noir’s heart flutter along with the beating of a thousand butterfly wings. There was so much ecstasy to read in those ocean painted orbs of Cambreeah. The darker girl’s smile blew the golden girl away. Cambreeah reminded Noir so much of herself in many ways. Although she tried to limit herself, she could not suppress her ecstasy when good things happened. The other puppy’s open expression was a gift that filled the Aston child with white light.

”Yes, it is super cute!” the older girl eagerly agreed, padding closer to the other girl, hoping Baby Duck would come really close so that the other could look at it better, and perhaps even touch it. She wished the gray duckling liked to cuddle more, but it was still a living thing that made her feel like a mommy type of person, and that was more than enough to let the tan girl love the thing endlessly. “It has really soft fur like thing, and it is special baby because it is gray and not yellow like other baby ducks I have seen,” Noir explained, looking from duck to puppy and back to duck. The blonde girl wondered if Cambreeah wanted to be her friend. She was more used to the duckling than the little girl, and so continued her talking. ”I like flowers and butterflies and birds too, because they sing very beautifully.” This reminded her, Baby Duck made cute sounds too!

Noir lifted a paw to poke the little creature, and it let out a cute little noise, a noise that always made Noir’s heart want to explode with adoration.


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