A Paper Thin Hymn

i know. another one soon, promise!

Even if she needed to Anu could not explain how she and Naniko fell apart. There had been many catalysts, the male had been one, the children, and her own little secret, Geneva. But Anu could find peace in those things now, or a similar form of harmony. She wanted nothing more then to forget the choices she had made that led to the weakening of their bond, but her past was just as prevalent as she knew Coli’s was. It had molded her to become the wolf she was at this very moment. And as that experienced had changed her, for better or worse, Anu would not be the same after this experience either. The flutter of her hungry heart, and smile that appeared before she knew to create it and the tingle under her fingertips as they touched her fur and then her skin told Anu it was a change for the better.

Away. her weak reasonable mind spoke. Space and time to think without the haze and cloud that Colibri created was what Anu sought. The parting of their connected hands made her look to them again, flexing her own as if testing the sensitive nerves. They still fired and felt. Blue eyes found the flowers the woman had released from their comfortable home to be given to her. Out of the soil, their most important and sensitive parts dangling from her paw, Anu was made to look back at the warm cream accented face of the fey. Was Coli a delicate flower, her favorite, being plucked from its comfort to be taken away and planted somewhere new. Anu took the flower happily, a smile only faltering as she heard the word, try.

Selfishly Anu wanted more, needed her to promise instead of only make an attempt. She only hesitated for a moment. Maybe Coli was have a second thought, the chance that she no longer wanted to visit became very real. But there was unhappiness in her eyes that Anu could not miss. There was a hesitation of her own and of course insecurity. Head low and towards the ground Anu feared she had not just confused her but hurt Coli with her sudden need to be released. Her hand rose disobediently, touching the face that she had forbidden herself from caressing. Her thumb ran under her chin, and Anu felt the ringing and chill along her spine. It wasn’t until their eyes met that Anu spoke, Promise. Anu could taste the plea in the single word. Because, they will miss your caring touch. The words spoken as her fingers ran weightlessly over the light tone of her cheek. A smile spoke of the needed she felt, but in an instant Anu regained control of all the unruly parts of her body and even fought her legs to stand and won.


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