I've got a good mind to throw it all away...


don't let me be carried away

Savina nodded her head, understanding all too well the words the other woman spoke. "Yes, it does. If only everyone understood that. Our own members seem to forget that too often." It wasn't like Crimson Dreams was free of conflict, inside the pack and out. While she did her best to impress that notion upon everyone under her it did not always prove successful. "One of our members committed a wrong here not long ago. Ever since then I have made sure that everyone understands the severity of such actions. Thankfully that male is no longer within our ranks. So far there have been no other such instances and I pray it says that way." Thankfully there were no strong tensions between Crimson Dreams and the other packs of these lands. Dahlia and them had had their incidents, but it was only single members misbehaving. Thankfully all of the leaders wanted to keep the peace.

Amata was a strong spirit and she imagined this would only prove to be a bump in the road. Though she hoped it would instill upon her daughter a cautiousness for strangers. She didn't want her pup to clam up and be suspicious of everyone, not at all. But up until now the cream colored Sadira would have been willing to go up to anyone, no matter how menacing they may seem. "Thank you, as am I." That went without saying, but she still wanted to thank the Adonis for her kind words. There were undoubtedly individuals out there, perhaps even within this very pack (aside from this Tokyo), that could have cared less about the condition of her daughter. It was true how easily a pup could become traumatized from even a small negative experience. While never having been keen on strangers, after the incident with Conor, Cambria was even more wary and silent around those she did not know. She hoped eventually some of that shyness would fade. Cambria had much to offer the world if she could grow the confidence to show it.

The Lt. General let a soft smile grace her features as she shook her head. "There is no need to apologize for that. I am glad that we were able to meet, even if the circumstances were less than favorable." It was good for her to know all the leaders of the packs around. She had been somewhat lax in making an effort to meet them all. She had visited all the lands, she just had not acquainted herself with all of the other leaders. Though at the last comment her ears perked and a curious light entered those green orbs. "Puppies?" The last time she had seen Cercelee she hadn't been pregnant. Though it was plausible that she had become so afterwords. The alabaster woman did have a mate after all. "I wasn't aware that she had been pregnant, but that is pleasant news," she said with a wave of her tail.


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