There's an emptiness inside her
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The dirt didn't quite reach her paws, but Brooklyn almost instinctively moved back a step before realising her mistake. She winced visibly and tucked her tail between her legs a little, chastised. She knew she was being harsh with Naniko, as harsh as she would have been with Anu. She could not understand their reasons for breaking up, could not understand why the love had gone away. At least the pack had remained, although how much was Savina's influence was anyone's guess. The white girl knew better than to start questioning right away. Perhaps her mother decided not to answer anything and would even berate her for being so callous. Brooklyn would not blame her, not one bit. Why should she? "Oh, I'm not up to much, Momma. I'm just... looking around, I guess."

She shifted uncomfortably. Should she bring up the subject of the male? Would her mother be able to smell him on her pelt? She had since washed in the river, carefully diving in and staying there, trying to make sure there was nothing on her fur to give her away. But she could not realistically judge if she'd done a good job or not. She could certainly believe it and then deny any knowledge, but this would be the first outright lie she told her mother. "I miss those times too," she said, looking down at the ground. Things had been so much easier then. Now, though, now they were muddled and complicated and everyone was leaving. Her mother's voice went on, something which surprised Brooklyn somewhat. She couldn't remember her mum being so chatty, but maybe she missed having someone to share her thoughts with now that Anu was gone. "Momma, why did Haven and Salem go? Don't they love us any more?" She walked towards her mum, hovering uncertainly. She wanted, no, needed, her to touch her, to caress her hair, tell her everything was going to be fine. Brooklyn could feel tears welling up in her eyes. "I miss things the way they were, Momma, I miss them so." Her own voice sounded broken and scared.


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