Seeking fun, seeking trouble
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The women was offended by her scent. It wasn't like Skylar didn't think they were all idiots for hating all wolves because maybe one or two made their lives bad. Hell Skylar had been raped by a wolf and now she was their number one fan. Didn't really make sense, but it was her life story all in all. The womens words made her laugh and push a hand into her long wavy grey hair, pink streaks, beads and all. "See then why be so worried? I know I smell like wolves, but I assure you there aren't any following."

Golden flecked eyes watched the women closely, as she asked her weather she had family around. Family? Was that her sheild then? The women didn't have that strong of a pack scent to her. Did that mean she was a new member? Pretty fiesty for a new member, and she was older. "Yeah." Was all she said. In all honesty she did, but she didn't know them. It had been so long since she had seen anybody. Another female joined them, her dark waves and sharp eyes making Skylars smile drop. Why was Inferni so willing to attack? How did they not know she wasn't a loner coming to join? "Skylar." She said with a new smile lifting her young lips. They really were fiesty ones.


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