the illusions are all around us
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If he would normally smack her around a bit for being a brat, go for it. XD He doesn't seem like one that would tolerate her. ^^ WotD: Tutelary 320 words.

sit and listen, sit and listen

The man was not happy, evidently, and she couldn’t help but wonder if such a thing could have been avoided. It was very likely that she had said something he didn’t like, and it seemed probable that it was her nickname for him that he didn’t like. Suddenly, she wished that she hadn’t approached this man alone, without some sort of tutelary being, like Cmwfen, or perhaps Alexey, or her mother. As he stepped closer, her mind told her she should take a step back and submit to the obviously higher-ranked male, but the stubborn part of her made her stand her ground, looking at him with an irritated expression. Princess doubted he was going to tell her his name after what he had said about the title, so she guessed she was going to have to call him Mister Unpleasant-and-Rude forever. How was she going to go and ask about him after she left him, when she didn’t even know his real name?

Exasperated, she sighed loudly. “I just wanted to be friendly, but obviously you don’t care. Don’t you have a real name, or do you like everyone to think you’re a big. . . Meanie?” The first part had been said evenly, but she practically spat out the last word, nearly sticking her tongue out at the (unbeknownst to her, of course, or she would have probably left immediately, rather than piss him off) Lilium. Alexey and Cmwfen had been nice adults in the pack, and Princess had been expecting that she would eventually come across someone who wasn’t nice, but it still annoyed her. “You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar,” the girl announced, although she did not know exactly what the phrase meant. Princess had read it in a book once, and had liked the way it sounded. It almost seemed to fit right now, even though the meaning was lost on her.


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