there's nothing stranger than a stranger.
        that suuucks. i hate my job thought too, so it's alright. i call shareholders all day and demand their proxy votes. and i could care less about mutual funds and corporations and all that bullshit. xD;

i'm bleeding but i'm alive i'm breathing but I could die
i can't explain why I'm made this way, tell me you see we are all the same

        His dreams were blurred phantasms mingling esctasy and agony—eyelids twitching under the frenzied movements typical of REM-stage sleep. He dreamed of his mother; of blood and darkness and the happiness he wished was real, only to awaken and realize would not come to pass. The soft sound of footfall interrupted his thoughts, bringing his consciousness closer to reality and further from fantasy. The instinctual light sleep of a predatory and prey animal, ready to fight and die at a moment's notice. The faintest sound lifted him to alertness and Jael's eyelids flicked open—pupils retracting painfully from the light that illuminated the morning. He blinked, looking right into the single golden eye of a scarred stranger. Head rising quickly, faintly bristling as he further looked on the monochrome-hued creature.
        The extent of her scars was massive, even across the hollow socket of an eye long missing. Obviously this woman had seen her share of bloodshed, that much was apparent. But by now, his heart had slowed to a normal pace and the surprise had worn off, leaving him to fall back into usual apathy. "Good morning," he said brightly, the rest of his manner suggesting he thought otherwise. Not from the stranger, but by things in general that haunted his thoughts—such as the blatant hatred and disregard of his blood-siblings and his obviously mismatched existence here within Inferni. He wondered vaguely if this creature could possibly be his father's mother, from the vague description provided by his sire that did match this woman. A scarred hybrid with one eye and ashen pelt. Anything was possible.

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