learning how to travel in time

k. :] Princess is sweet.

So far, in the month or so that Hemming had been in AniWaya, he had very rarely felt anything less than safe. There had been one encounter, in which he had almost been coerced into entering a place that would've been dangerous, but nothing bad had come of it besides the nickname 'Chicken.' And, really, as far as nicknames went that wasn't so bad. Hemming tried his best to learn from his mistakes, and the event had made him realize that he should be a little more careful. He had assumed that the danger that the other might have caused him wasn't exactly intentional - to embarrass was likely the real motive - and he was thankful that this little awakening wasn't any crueler. The lands were safe enough, but of course they were not completely danger free. Hemming hadn't heard rumour of any of the killings or attacks that had occurred recently prior to this, but to hear that there were such occasions made his heart sink a little.

"Yep, AniWaya is like a pack. We call it a tribe, though. I've never been to Dahlia de Mai." He smiled softly, following her gaze to the water. "Something really big might be able to steal all the water, I would think." He was silent for a moment. The male would have let the statement pass, but his curiosity and worry got the best of him. "I haven't heard of any bad guys around here... one attacked your mum? Has anyone caught them?" Concern put wrinkles into his brow. The newcomer had been thinking of AniWaya and its surrounding territories as something like a wonderland, the greatest evil being little gremlins playing tricks. This news shocked him a little, though he knew it shouldn't have - all places had their truly baneful monsters - and also raised feelings of defensiveness. Though Hemming was aware that he wouldn't be able to restore justice himself under ordinary circumstances, he felt a strong desire to. It was a sad truth, however, that even if the beast was caught, more would surely come. The battle against wickedness was an eternal one.


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