like fire, hellfire, this fire in my skin
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He could tell that she had spotted him, but both of them seemed paralyzed. Gods, it seemed it had been a lifetime since he had seen his pale sister. The last time had been after he had found out about their mother's separation and they had both tried to drown their sorrows. However Haven had taken that habit to an extreme afterwords. He hoped that Brooklyn had not followed in his pawprints. And then it hit him. She probably didn't know about Conri. About the horrible thing that the male who had sired them had done to their mother. His stomach got that all too familiar nauseated feeling. He did not want to tell her, yet he knew he had to. She deserved to know, just as much as Mati had. He felt himself being pulled under by that same depression and uncertainty again.

Then she ran to him and he didn't know whether to feel elated or afraid. Drogon's ears pricked forward and he moved to take a step back from the quickly approaching wolf. Haven put his hand on the stallion's neck. "Hey, hey, it's okay. She's a friend, my sister," he told the horse soothingly. Gaze turned to see her pace had slowed and the mustang seemed calmed. As they stood face to face he mustered a similar smile, even though he couldn't hide the sad edge to it. "Hey Brook." Once again he felt like such a lout as she explained she had been searching for him. What a right big mess he had made of everything. "I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have worried you all like that but..." he heaved a sigh. "I found something out Brooklyn. About our father. Something horrible. I didn't know how to handle it so I cooped myself up in Halifax and nearly drank myself into an early grave." A coward's grave.

The words he'd been fearing. I've come to take you home. It was obvious she had not talked to Anu or their other sister. The smile that had been on his face at her arrival was all but gone and a sad light was in his jade orbs. "Brooklyn...I'm not going back to Crimson Dreams." It never got any easier to say. "It's not that I don't want to or that I don't miss you all. I just...I have to make my own way. If I went back I don't think I could." He looked around them. "This is my home now and they need me here. I vowed that I would protect them. I swore it when the King knighted me." He hoped she would see. That she would understand and this wouldn't be a repeat of when he had told Mati.


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