that can take it all away
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Swift burnt orange legs and paws carried the Aatte over the various territories of Nova Scotia. He had set out from the packlands to do a bit of exploring. It felt like ages since he had gone on a venture like this. The last he could recall was the multiple day little journey he had taken after learning to shift. After that the house of cards that had made up his life had come tumbling down and left him lost in the dark. He had hidden himself away inside the bottle, hardly ever leaving his dirty little prison. But then his fortunes had turned and he had helped to form Cour des Miracles. Once again his life made sense and so once again he felt the need to stretch his legs and let his heart wander.

Making this trek on the back of Drogon would have undoubtedly made it faster, but Haven had spent so little time in his four-legged form lately that he wanted to become reacquainted with it. Between playing his guitar, training with his sword, and training with the mustang he had hardly left his optime form. While he did prefer the benefits of that body, he always liked the simplicity his natural form brought. Plus traveling on his own was much quicker this way.

The cool cover of the dense woods were a welcome reprieve from the heat of the day. Pink tongue lolled out as he panted, his feet carrying him almost soundlessly through the trees. From the quiet he thought he might be the only thing around, but bi-colored ears caught the sound of a soft giggle. Curious, he trotted off in the direction of the laugh. As he came closer to the source the clan scent of Inferni hit his nose and he knew why that giggle had sounded familiar. Jade eyes caught sight of the large eared girl. "So what's a troublemaker like you doin' all the way out here, huh?"


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