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Kieran had grown up in a pack that had mixed cultures. About half of his pack had originally lived in Europe, living a more human-like lifestyle and thus bringing those traditions with them. The other half had always lived in a more natural way for wolves, but the two cultures had blended almost seamlessly over time. Having grown in such an environment, he was used to living in the wild while still finding some of the skills and tools passed down from the humans comfortable. He found those skills helpful here, even if he just used them to pass the time.

He watched silently as the Storm wolf headed toward the ladder, making his way up to the roof. Taking notice of how large the brown wolf was, he made a mental note to stay on his good side. This Luperci was not one he would be eager to fight—not that he had any plans of doing so. He seemed nice enough, not giving any threatening signs as he stepped to his side. And as far as Kieran knew, Jaded Shadows and Storm were in good standings with each other. At the very least they weren’t at the point where they would attack the opposition on sight.

The dark-furred male looked once more at the horizon, ears perking slightly as his companion spoke up, introducing himself. Well, well, it seemed that he was in the presence of an alpha. Yes, Phoenix was definitely not someone he wanted to be on the bad side of. “It’s a pleasure, Phoenix. I’d be Kieran, Wahrer of Jaded Shadows,” he replied, holding out his hand to shake, a formality he’d picked up back home.

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