let me live


It was only around strangers that the Marino girl was so shy and introverted. While nowhere near as brave as her sister, around her family and friends Cambria wasn't worried about asking questions and saying what she wanted. She didn't worry about acting silly, because they were already her friends and they already liked her. She tried to imagine a body of water bigger than the lake and it boggled her mind! The lake was so big! Something even bigger sounded a little scary, but despite that she was still intrigued. Her mommy and daddy seemed to really like the beach, so it probably wasn't scary. "Wooows das cwazy! Yah! I'd like ta goes!" The small pup nodded her head. "Yah, mommy's neckwace is sooooo preddies!" She wanted a necklace of her own, when she was old enough.

The pup gave Mati a curious cock of her head. "Whys would someones make sumtink ugwies? Ugwie tings aren't nice." If they could make pretty things why would they possibly want to make things that weren't pretty. That didn't make one little bit of sense to her. Ugly things were ugly because people didn't want to look at them. Why would an artist person make something people didn't want to look at? "I sees. Is interestings." She was glad Mati was teaching her all this stuff. It was very, very interesting. The world was full of so many neat things and so much potential when she was brave enough not to be afraid of it all.

The smirk that was granted to her let the little wolf know that she was not in trouble and she instantly perked up again. Sea colored orbs were bright with excitement and her little tail beat against the ground. "Okie! Yays!" The over large paws bounded after the older lupine, watching with anticipation as they moved forward. And something was caught by that puppy gaze. Something small and prickly looking. "Mati! Whas dat over dere's?" Carefully Cambria moved a little closer to the thing. She had never seen anything like it!


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