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          There was little spoken to Catalyst about the entirety of the Sadira lineage, and it would be truly ridiculous for her later in life to find out just how big the lineage had grown to be. Family and blood, at this point, meant everything to Catalyst, in contrast to Haku. For the fact that family and heritage was all she had right now, those were two things that struck close to the heart for her, and difficult to release completely. A letting go of family might prove to be easier in the future when maturity would come, but for now, it was simply intertwined in her world.
          Slight disappointment was evident upon her face, hoping to hear a confirming statement that this distant sort of cousin perhaps heard about her mother. However, her triangular ivory ears flicked at the two names dropped from his tawny maw; Aiji Sadira and Ceres Sadira. Both of which that settled in the grandmother categories, and which Catalyst could only recognize a faint memory of Anyanka speaking about Ceres. Unknowingly Catalyst held a striking appearance and presence of Ceres (except for the mismatched eyes), and was basically somewhat of a reincarnation of the great matriarch of the Sadira lineage. ”I… I think I heard of Ceres before.” The ivory girl said, although shaking her head in a gesture that shown that she wasn’t entirely sure of this. She honestly wished to learn more, and the more time carried forth with her maturity, the answers would surely appear with time and contact for those many that lingered around with her blood and name.
          Observing the Lilium with frequent straying eyes (quite hesitant to keep a long standing gaze into his own eyes), there was a question that suddenly materialized into her mind. Maybe Haku would be able to answer or give light to such a question, although it seemed as if he was pretty sparse and short on answers anyway, she would at least give it a shot (maybe to also feel some sort of reassurance and guidance from an adult). ”Haku… why are bad things happening now?” Catalyst assumed that the adult knew of the incident of Ril’o at the borders (for it was in fact very big news to the pack), and for all the other incidents that happened (with Conor at Whisper Beach), Catalyst would be glad to explain all of the such, since there had really been no one she could openly speak to about these things since they happened; not even Cercelee, not even her own siblings. She felt as if they wouldn’t understand where she was coming from at all, perhaps Haku would.


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