"ea nigada qusdi idadadvhn"

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The oldest daughter of the Bone Bearer simply wouldn't know what to do with her life if Dawali wasn't there. Matters were a tad bit difficult with her for the fact that Mischka departed from them too soon for Asha to really have gotten some quality time with her mother (for which, in a sense, was envious of Dawali a little for the fact that he did), but there was no need in the present to feel any feelings of deep envy, sadness, or regret. What happened happened, and there was nothing anyone could do, not even the powers and skills of Dawali could have helped her. All that mattered now was that her spirit lived on with them, and that she would never be forgotten. Besides, whether Dawali knew limited math or not, Asha was thankful for her Agidoda. He had done well on raising her and her sister, a feat for a widowed husband that was uncommon in the least. She had been surprised he had remained celibate this whole time even, unwilling to take another mate. Asha had felt the same, however, seeing as how a step-mother probably wouldn't work so well. If fathers were uptight about their daughters seeing boys, then it would be vice versa for Asha in this case; knowing of a potential step-mother, she would be ferocious indeed.

To have Aiyanna return, and talks of a celebration at paw, that seemed delightful. Not knowing how Aiyanna would take to such a big celebration (for Asha noted her younger sister as quite mature for her age at this point), she was sure however that the welcoming and visitation would be appreciated. "I do hope she decided to come one day, it would be great to have the whole family together." Which, directly, only consisted of Dawali, Asha herself, and Aiyanna as direct bloodlines. As far as Dawali's side of the family, Asha wasn't all that familiar with them, and didn't reach any real recognizable grounds with such when she visited.

The news about the children were terrible; to Asha, there was a peculiar soft spot about puppies even she didn't know about, and just the thought of what happened literally made her sick to her stomach. She could see Dawali felt the same, although it was in his line of work at the same time, ceremony for the deaths of children had to be especially touchy. At the mention of including her presence in Dawali's ceremony, Asha thought about it for a second, and meekly nodded. "I... think i'd like to. Just for the sake of the children, and those we've known." The Amara thought it would be disrespectful in a sense if she didn't partake in some sort of ceremony. Poor children, they had their lives to live, and the plague had to strike them. Asha certainly hoped that none of that would ever come to these lands anytime soon, if not never. Asha tended to stray away from Dawali's duties, just because the fact of death to her was full of misery, sorrow, depression. Asha hated feeling that way, but morally, it was best that she take part in a ceremony with Dawali for those who deceased from the second group.

With the delivery of her news, Asha was curious to know what sort of events were going on in AniWaya while she was gone and what some known faces were up to. Preferably Leland, whom had remained stuck in mind for quite awhile. "So, what's been new around here? I'm taking that Ayegali has been well? I've missed her on my journey!" She exclaimed, hoping to see the raven woman once again. "Oh! What about Leland? Have you heard from him lately?" Her question immediately butted in, making it sound like it wasn't that big of a deal to be inquiring about him, but was ever so eager to know inside what Leland had been up to all this time, and what he thought about Asha's departure, if anything.


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