hear the sigh of the trees
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... _tiger.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

She had never imagined meeting someone new could be so much fun! She had always been nervous about it, unless the stranger was friends with her mommy or daddy. Then she knew that people were okay cause her parents wouldn't be friends with bad people. But strangers scared her. Even more so since that mean mean boy came to their den and said she wasn't pretty. But everything so far with meeting Noir was perfectly fine! Noir was very very nice. Her eyes danced with happy light as the duckling waddled in a circle around the lighter girl. Cambria couldn't help but emit a happy giggle. She didn't think she had ever seen anything quite so cute as the little duck!

Little brown body wriggled with excitement as Noir walked closer in hopes that her little ducky would follow. Though she did her best to keep still. She didn't want to scare the little guy after all! That would just be no good. Her tail was one thing she couldn't keep still though. It wagged at an uncontrollable pace, a waving banner of how happy the little girl was. It certainly looked soft! Cambria just wanted to rub her face against the duckling's soft looking fur stuff. "Oooooo! I sees!" It was even a special baby duck! The poor ducky must have lost his mother and father. It was just so so nice of Noir to take care of it. Noir was the nicest person she had met so far outside of Crimson Dreams! It wasn't saying much, since she didn't know many outside of her pack, but it was something!

Cambria perked up even more and looked back to Noir. They had the same favorite things! That was so great! "Weallies?? I loves all dose tings too! Vewy vewy muches!" Was that what made people friends? Having the same things that they liked best? The pup hoped so, she would very much like to be friends with Noir! She watched with a little bit of apprehension as the older girl poked the duck. It made images of the sad butterfly flash in her mind and she wondered if baby duck was very fragile too. But instead of falling over or something he just gave a silly little noise that made her yip and drop the front of her body down so her bum stuck in the air.


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