there's nothing stranger than a stranger.
haha, yea. every year a class went was always -not- the class i was in right on through high school. >| (370)
        Even without him stating it, she realized quickly enough who his father was. Vision sought her face as though trying to read her mind and see what she was thinking. Jael didn't want to be rejected by someone he'd only just met for the sins of his sire. He didn't get to choose who he was born to any more than he could choose what breed and species he would be or what he looked like. Life was just a random roulette and you were powerless over what you were given. Just as his siblings hated him for looking like a wolf, he could see strangers hating him for the deeds of another simply because he was directly related to them, created by them. But Kaena's voice lacked hatred and the boy breathed faint relief--even if he was still ashamed of what she now knew. Jael couldn't hold his head high when stating his parentage though he belonged to so extensive a family.
        "I'm sorry for what he's done, if it makes any difference," the pale creature stated softly. "He never came back though. I doubt he ever will. Even if he does, he'll have to answer to his own children, now that we know he's a traitor to his own family." He fell silent, almost wondering if he dared ask what rested on the tip of his tongue. Finally though, he allowed it to spill forth. The boy couldn't stand to live without knowing the answers to questions that haunted him, especially if the answer had possibility of being gained. "What happened?" He breathed, barely able to speak, wishing half to simply not talk about Vitium and forget about him entirely, and yet wanting to know so much more. Why did he go against his own family to defend a single wolf in the first place. Why did he preach against wolves, and yet was exiled from his own clan for siding with one, saving it from the death it had walked itself right into? He wanted to know everything there was to know, and always did. Gabriel had told him some of the story, but Jael wasn't yet satisfied.
        Wasn't it curiosity that killed the cat after all?

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