they'll break your throne
:]]] (300)

          It was a good thing he was already sure of what he wanted to do, or else her little face would have scared him from going through with this. She finally seemed to recognize him, and it was extremely clear what she thought of him. The boy swallowed heavily as his lilac eyes settled on the brown little girl. This was simply something the boy would have to endure. If she still decided to hate him after he had said the words he had used the whole afternoon to memorize, then so be it. He could understand grudges, as he was the owner of a whole mountain of them himself. His father could never be forgiven for all the gruesome things he had done, and Conor was not sure if he could ever forgive the man even if he gave it a try. Some things simply left scars too deep for things to be okay again.

          The girl did not start to cry again at least. His light violet eyes stayed on the little creature. She had grown since last time he had seen her. It did not feel like his own body had developed much, but he chose to believe that he too was growing. He did not want to be small. Still, the girl in front of him was still smaller than him. Cuter too, but that was no issue, as boys should not really be cute. They were supposed to look handsome. Conor was not entirely sure what was the difference between those words, but he was pretty sure there was an important one. Now was the time. The boy inhaled deeply. He had made the sentence up all by himself. ”I has pretty flower for pretty girl.”

          He forced his tail to wag politely, and his ears perked forwards. It had been perfect. His voice had been slightly muffled because his jaws held the flower, but that was to be expected.


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