ciao, zio

___ "They’re really interesting," he told her, picturing the smooth wooden body in his head. "Of course I will. Maybe I can show you how to play a little something too," he threw in. "I’m staying up by Inferni, along Drifter Bay. I have a big beach house that I live in. It’s huge and has plenty of space, so you’re welcome anytime." He couldn’t help the smile. He would absolutely love for Ember to stop by.

___ At Ember’s suggestion, the mismatched eyes slowly trailed over to Bayard. The young Haddix snuck another few strokes along the animal’s back as he considered the proposition. "He wouldn’t mind?" Apollo asked. He really wanted to ride him, but he was slightly afraid the horse would try and buck him off. After all, he didn’t want to look stupid in front of Ember.


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