A Paper Thin Hymn

My last post. Smile Hokay!
WC: 400+

lost into the weight of gravity

The thought of abandonment, of being left behind to her lonely solitude again was almost too much to bear, and her hand rose to her chest, feeling a dull ache throbbing within. It took her a moment to recognize the pain as her own weary heartbeat, struggling against the odds to keep her going. It shouldn't be like this - she shouldn't have pinned so many of her hopes on Anu falling in love with her and whisking her away to a happily ever after. Maybe that sort of thing couldn't happen between two females anyway. It was all unfamiliar territory to her.

She peered through the veil of her eyelashes, soaking in one last image of the lithe werewolf before her. She was suddenly struck with the vision of a desert - golden sand radiating warmth, cool oases of ice-blue water framed by the rays of the sun. Anu reminded her somehow of a benevolent desert, salvation cupped between her life-giving fingers. She was simply too perfect to be a plain old wolf. Perhaps instead of a ghost, she was a nature spirit. Colibri's imagination always ran wild when it came to the object of her affections.

And then the soft fingers touched her, and she could not help herself from leaning into the caress, a contented hum sighing from her lips. The weight had been lifted; everything was healed by Anu's magic. The suffocating loneliness would creep back into her heart as soon as that delicate warmth receded, but in that brief evanescent moment, she was entangled in the web all over again. "I... I'll miss yours," she admitted shamelessly, rubbing her clammy palms against her light belly-fur. Why were they sweating all of a sudden? Was she nervous already, trying to snatch hold of the fleeing strands of the encounter? Such a violent rise and fall of emotions, always turbulent on the inside. She was worn out by her own mood swings, from happy to anxious to sad to happy again. Rising abruptly to her feet, the young werewolf swallowed and spoke quickly, her words tumbling over themselves in a rush to speak them all at once. "I - I'll walk you to the borders, so you don't have to l-leave on your own. And then I'll visit you, I can't stay away, but I don't know how soon is appropriate, so you should tell me if it's alright, and, and, I'll do what I can..." Her sky-blue eyes shone earnestly, eager to please at the last second. She hated goodbyes. But if she hadn't ruined this after all, then there was still hope... Even if she chattered like an idiot, she must have some redeeming quality to have piqued Anu's interest. She just wished it would be enough to hold her there longer.


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