I'm down to a whisper
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They're opposites. Now Naniko has the hurt foot and Savina is the one who finds her ^^

She had been investigating the new pack for a while, now, watching for signs of Haven. She didn't want him to think that she was worried about him even though she definitely was...she wanted him to be able to live his own life and not feel like he was being stalked by an overprotective mother. Had his little white coyote friend found him yet? Was he happy? She felt like she needed to know these things...but at the same time she wanted to give him the space that he obviously needed. Her conversation with Brooklyn about their family had made her afraid, a bit, afraid that now that her children had left they might not come back. Even for visits. Would they forget all about their mother?

That had led her to the ocean. It was so hot and humid outside, rain having fallen earlier that day. The clouds still hung low and dark in the sky overhead as she entered the water, wanting to cool down. Naniko had walked in the shallow areas for a while, the colder waters working wonders on her sore feet. She could feel the shells and rocks beneath her two feet as she went, but as long as she walked carefully they didn't bother her too much.

A sharp pain in her foot made her wince, and she looked down into the clear waters. Had she stepped in a shell or something? The commander could see a shape flitting away beneath the water's surface, a round shape with a long tail sticking out of its rear end. What sort of animal was that? Had she stepped on it? The saltwater was starting to burn her foot and she stepped out of the ocean and up onto the beach. She didn't have anything with her this day, just the shirt that she had been wearing, so she took it up and bound it around the cut to try and make it stop bleeding.


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