you go east for those real green eyes

"Cool, so we're kind of the same thing" She said brightly. Her duty was to protect the pack and all of its members, and so was Haven's. Both of them could ride horses, too! Once he got his back home, anyway. Now what was it that he wanted to know? How to tame them down? "What I did was I spent a lot of time with Bayard. And I gave him lots of treats that he liked. You kind of train them using the treats...whenever you want him to do something, you can give him a treat if he does it. Then he will start to like doing whatever it is that you want."

Did he have a saddle for his horse? She hadn't found anything like that for Bayard, so she had just been using a blanket. "With my horse i don't use a saddle, a seat on the horse...i just use a blanket and hold onto his mane. Do you have a saddle?" She asked.


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