reverb is just a room
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"Well then, I'll be extra sure to keep that promise! Don't want to be making anybody upset." He had missed this. Silly little chance encounters like this. Everything had seemed so dark and serious to him as of late, having something light like this was great again. When he was a kid that was all he had done. Explored around and met new faces in new places at every opportunity. Either that or playing pretend games with his family and friends in the pack. He still vividly remembered the time he had played knight and dragon with his mother in the pumpkin patch. Also when he and Brooklyn had pretended to be a dragon and an ogre and done battle. Every time he had come out victorious. Hopefully when he had to fight a real battle he would be so fortunate.

Haven chuckled again, plucking at the strings of his guitar. "I guess you wouldn't." Nobody wanted to stay in a place they didn't like, not unless they had some serious issues. Though he couldn't help but wonder with a little amusement if Strelein had even met Svara yet. His relationship with the red wolfess had been mended, but he understood how unpleasant she could be to those not used to it. His shoulders shrugged at the comment about Jac. "He's certainly not exactly how I imagined a King would be, but a King he is, have no doubt of that. And a good man, though he may not always seem it." The Knight had a lot of faith in their leader despite his quirks and flaws. "Me? Well, I'm the Majordomo, an ambassador of sorts. Makes sense since one of my mothers leads one of the other packs. I'm also a Knight and sworn to protect our members. Been training with a sword as well as the guitar and I've got a mustang that I've trained." That was a pretty thorough explanation of his place and interests.


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