come on take me home
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for plot prompt #3, petroglyphs! all welcome~

The coyote sat before a brick wall. His legs were crossed, a ratty journal in front of him. Giggle did not like to break his routine often, but he had heard rumors of strange glyphs on some brick walls in Inferni territory. He held no great delusions of himself as a translator or anthropologist, but it couldn't hurt to try and see if he could make some sense of it. Indigo eyes swept over them, taking them in. They appeared simple enough but at the same time daedal, beautiful.

From his back he pulled out a worn book, something he'd taken from the library in Hailfax. It was a once-glossy encyclopedia of sorts, dedicated to North American indigenous peoples. There was one section in particular that had caught his attention, which was why he'd brought it with him: early writings and petroglyphs. Hopefully the small bit of information that chapter provided could shed some light on to the drawings' meanings. Giggle sketched the glyphs into his journal roughly with an old ball point pen, for reference later.


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