Burn out Brighter
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Haven had been so glad that Cour des Miracles had settled where they had. It was so close to Crimson Dreams that making trips back or for his family to visit him would be quick and easy. Even though he was beginning to truly feel at home where he was now, a little part of him would always belong here. No matter what, this pack would always be some form of home to him. He had been born here, he had grown up here, and if things hadn't unfolded the way that they had he might have never left. There had been times he had dreamed of following in Naniko's pawprints to leadership one day, if he were deemed worthy. But now he had a different destiny and different ambitions. At her words he smiled widely and looked into her eyes, a quiet but sincere thanks in his jade orbs.

As his sister frowned and looked away from him he could see the turmoil within her. His fears and suspicions about whatever had happened being serious were obviously true. Things had always frightened Mati more than they had him, but this was different. Whatever this was it had shaken his sister to her very core, much like the knowledge of their father had shaken him. But thankfully she was here, at home, to deal with these issues unlike he had been. There was no one to blame but himself for the way he had rotted away in the bar. Though he trusted her to not be as foolish as he had. In that way she was stronger than he was.

Even though he had been half expecting it, hearing that she had indeed been attacked made a fire leap up and rage in his chest and it showed in his eyes. The thought of anyone bringing harm upon his family, especially on Mati, made a fury burn in him that was impossible to control. Though at the revelation that it had happened in the city and she had needed to be saved a harsh, cold wind blew that fire to smoldering embers. Had he really come that close to losing her? The thought frightened him as nothing else ever had. Suddenly his mouth felt dry. "It happened that night...didn't it?" his voice was barely a whisper as he looked to the ground. He should have gone after her. He shouldn't have just let her run off by herself. Haven was indirectly responsible for the attack and the state that it had induced in her.


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