dance with the devil in the pale moonlight

OOC: Happy birthday Miyu!! MUHAHAHA not a teenager no more!!! >D
She sat outside her house watching the sun leave the sky and let the moon take it's place. She was alone tonight sitting on the porch of her large house. It wasn't like the house was just hers, Leroy and her shared it, but so did a few other members. Truthfully Svara liked the company as long as they staied out of her room. Long red hair was loose around her shoulders tonight, making her look more like the young pretty girl she really was. Scars could only ruin some of the beauty she had.

As she watched the light fade from the sky she wondered where their king was. A sly grin slid onto her lips. The male had the ability to get under her skin that was for sure. Leaning back onto the porch floor she looked up at the house and the surrounding trees. What was she missing right now in her life? There was something but she hadn't really been able to find it. She knew her pack mates still question her reasoning behind letting Leroy go. Svara didn't care. The constable had had her reasons for cutting the male loose from her.

The sound of Jacquez call made her sit up. Ears twitching upon her head she wondered what the king was up to. Shifting to her wolf form Svara started for the beachs. Loping through the woods she dodged left and right to not hit a tree. What could he be up to? Finally she found the familiar sands and slowed down. Trotting towards the king she stopped to stand next to him and look at the fire he had constructed. Looking up at him from her small posistion next to him she let a sly grin pull her wolf maw. "A party ehh?"

The constable shifted so she was able to talk to him easier and take her share in the moonshine. Long red straight hair flowed down her body as she took a deep breath after the change. She had stopped using her wolf form as much as she had when she was a pup. Looking at Jacquez next to her she grinned. "The first dance king?" Her voice was husky like always, but there was a hint of flirting in her ways. The red she wolf hoped that this gathering would repair her broken ego. She waited for him to respond and for the other members to come.


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