dance with the devil in the pale moonlight
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Haven had been a little selfish ever since Siobhan had arrived. He was never far from the house they shared, if he left it at all. Having spent their whole lives apart for the most part had made him greedy for her company. Now that they were finally together he gobbled up all the time they spent together, content to lavish his affection on her and ignore everyone else inside the pack. But at the howl from their King signaling a late night gathering he couldn't resist it. He knew there were many new faces for Cour des Miracles aside from Siobhan and he needed to get to know them. Also showing up in front of the King with her by his side would hopefully avoid any unwanted flirting by the collie.

As they walked hand in hand towards the call a large smile was plastered on his face. He had left Drogon and Vowkeeper in their respective places. The stallion was no doubt tired and this was to be a celebration where his weapon should not be needed. Besides, if he were going to drink the last thing he needed was the longsword to bumble about with. The bright spot of the bonfire came into sight. "Yup! It's just up ahead." He squeezed her hand and then picked up their pace a little to arrive more quickly.

Well, it seemed they were far from the last to show up. Only Jac and Svara were present currently. "Greetings Your Highness, Svara," he said, nodding his head to their two leaders. "Jacquez, this is Siobhan, Siobhan this is King Jacquez." He introduced his beau, his hand slipping from her grasp and moving to place his arm about her slight shoulders. Their monarch would have no difficulty seeing that they were together as more than a couple of friends. "It's a lovely night! What have you got there?" He had never seen such large jugs before.


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