It's a place I cannot go
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Inferni had seemed bleak compared to this place. So far, from what Haven had brought home and what she had observed herself, Cour des Miracles had a lot of animals in it that could be eaten for food. Her hunting skills were mediocre, but she had managed to get by before and she would do it again. She didn't want to rely on anyone for food any more. She did accept the occasional meal from her orange companion, however. She didn't know the terrain as well as he did, so her hunting was off to a rocky start.

The sound of things falling hadn't woken her up but his voice did, snapping her out of the dream-world. She had been in bed before...why was she out in the living room? She frowned, trying to figure this out, then cleared her throat to answer. "Siobhan is ok. Just...confused." How had she gotten all the way out here? "This has happened before, her walking in her sleep. She almost walked into the ocean once. Eh...She is sorry for waking you, Haven"


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