It's a place I cannot go

Haven watched her with concern in his eyes as she pulled her legs up to her chest. Whatever she had been dreaming it really had unsettled her. He wished that he could chase those bad thoughts away and leave her in peace. But he couldn't protect her from her own mind. He knew that better than anyone, considering he had been a prisoner of his own for over a month. What she told him shocked him. They had taught her how to fight? Self defense was good to know, but Siobhan was not a fighter. She was not a warrior. It wasn't that he thought she was in any way weak or incapable, he just knew that that was not the type of person that she was. "Well you don't have to worry about having to fight here. No one here will ever make you fight." At first he hadn't thought the clan was so bad, but his opinions were quickly changing.

"If he does come here I will make him leave. I won't ever let him take you." That protective urge that he felt for his family went nearly double for Siobhan. He would do whatever was necessary to keep her safe and deep inside he knew that he was beginning to fall in love with her. As she scooted closer to lean against him he moved closer to her as well. One copper arm wrapped around her shoulders and he planted a soft kiss on the top of her head. "It's so nice to see you every day too. I'm so glad you decided to come her Siobhan. I can't imagine not having you here now." She had truly made this place home for him.


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