you're taking one down
Had he been more experienced with the behavior of others, the coyote might have been able to pick out the details that the other was unable to contain. As it was, he felt that Andrezej was rather pleasant, and in all likely hood, that was precisely what he might tell others if asked. It was better, in his opinion, to believe the best in everyone unless there was something truly sinister about them, or otherwise tantamount to danger. Little did he know, there was brewing potential in his new companion. He could not see it.

Jesile nodded, carefully striding forth and using smaller stature to his advantage, careful to be particularly sneaky in order to ensure that he would not disturb any creatures lying in the bush, and so as not to disappoint the hybrid. If his legs got in the way of himself, it could be disastrous. Today though, he felt different, as though grace had instated in his legs rather than the clumsy, blundering step he had not all that long ago. He followed the other boy with ease and awaited any last words. One of them would have to flush something out because of the tree growth, and the other would have to be right there to expertly snag it.

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