Now I am in vain
Flayra wasn't really saying much. She was blinded by her tears that were formed by her inner pains. She wasn't really paying any attention to anything that was around her. She was like, she was there, but her mind wasn't. She was hidden away in her mind. She was so far in, she wasn't aware of anything. She just let the tears drop down from her eyes down on the ground on the bottom of the barn. Her cheeks felt cold as the gentle blew due to the wetness from her droplets. Her eyes stared down at the ground, seeing beyond it, which was... nothing.

She was nearing that nothing until a voice echoed into her mind, which snapped her back into reality. Her sight showed a figure that was standing under her. She wiped her tears to stop more from falling on him/her. She didn't want to drown him/her. "Yeah, I'm fine." she said, taking out all the tears and sadness. She was such a liar.

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