fallen in trance
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ooc: <3 ^^

She had been the one to help Dawali after his fight. He hadn't wanted to say much about it, about what had happened, but he'd told her enough. Ember knew that even going to the city gave him a bad feeling, that the spirits of the dead humans bothered him...apparently his fight with the other creature had been pretty bad. But it had been her that he'd howled for, her that he had trusted to help him. It meant a lot to her, that someone could depend on her to help them. "Your father and I are alike, in different ways" She said to Asha, nodding. She didn't know if she ought to use the same word as Asha had for "father", or if that was what the word even meant, and contemplated asking about it. "Eh...you said Agidoda. Is that the same thing as father?"

"It's my sister, Naniko, that leads that pack. She doesn't mind anyone coming in, really, as long as they mean no harm and ask first." She nodded. At the information about Aiden she shook her head. "Bayard wasn't ever like that--he's always been very friendly. Maybe Aidan had something in his past that made him this way? I could speak to him, if you'd like, and try to find out. Usually the horses are so amazed that another creature can speak their language that they'll talk and talk and talk." She laughed.

Maybe Bayard and Aidan would get along, with their different personalities. She nodded in agreement. Then Asha inquired about her duties in the tribe, bringing her back into the conversation once more. "I am an Ayastigi right now, a warrior. I do have one weapon that I like, my sword, and I'm working on perfecting my fighting techniques. I've also used a few other things, though, like the spear. Have you chosen a path yet? Or did you already have one when you left? I know of a place where you can find more weapons, if you're interested"


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