Burn out Brighter


Maybe that wasn’t true, maybe there was a place she could have hid from the onyx monster. Maybe if she had been home she would have been safe, but something inside told her that she had deserved what had happened. She needed the little scare, the temptation and the test. Failing and going towards him, allowing their space to dwindle it had all been a test of faith. Mati knew that no matter where she had been, she would have been tested. Her strength would have been ripped from her being, and she would have been scarred, some how. Vendetta did not have her name in his mind, he had not stalked her. But fate would have drawn them together like gravity.

She didn’t want him to apologize. It wasn’t his fault. She fought to find his wavering gaze, “No, I shouldn’t have left you. Not the way you were.” Did he forget that she had gotten up and left, turned her back on him, unable to cope with the fact that he was leaving. She should have been there for him till the end. He was growing angry, Mati could feel the heat that simmered through his veins. His face, his eyes were unlike anything she had ever seen. Mati turned away from it. It was too much, even his drunken state was easier to look at then this. His words made her shake her head instinctively.

“No” The young woman spoke again. Her voice as stern as his had been. Returning violet eyes to the male, she allowed him to see something that he had yet to see in her gaze. “Haven, trust me when I tell you… this is not your fight.” That was what he wanted, and Mati would not let him have it. She looked at him, comparing him to Onus. He was the only one strong enough, experienced enough to face the dark beast.



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