because I have been through hell
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This appeared it was becoming one of his most awkward social interactions yet, which for the coyote, was saying something. Was this male really as inept at this sort of thing as he was? If that were the case then they both might as well stop while they were ahead. Though he had done nothing unpleasant. Nothing to annoy the masked man. Nothing to warrant asking him to leave. So what was there to do. Cloaked eyes stared down at the moving forms of the fish, trying to ignore the situation. Maybe if he was silent and kept to his task then the other would just lose interest and leave. Perhaps that would be for the best.

His hand shot back into the water, once again grasping a scaled, slim body. He plucked the fish up and held it in his claws as the other said that he could leave Onus to his task. But as the other introduced himself the hidden gaze shot to that hybrid, confused. The fish continued to wriggle, the coyote too distracted to end its struggle quickly as he had the last time. "Is that your name," he asked. "Or your profession?" This doggish man certainly didn't seem the type to live the kind of life that he lead, but why else be named such? It wasn't exactly a lifestyle that many looked on with kind eyes.


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