let me live


Cambria's eyes grew so large and her tail started wagging so fervently that her entire bottom wiggled with it. "Weallies??" She would just love to have her daddy make her a necklace! "You tinks he woulds? Makes a neckwace for mes? I woulds like dats a wot!" The idea had never occurred to her. Her daddy had made mommy's necklace so of course he could make them! So why not have him make her one! Oh boy! Now she really couldn't wait to go visit the beach. She wanted to go pick out a pretty shell as soon as they could! Though would she be able to wear it right away? Maybe all the chains were for adults and she wouldn't be able to wear it until she was bigger. But either way didn't matter to her, as long as she had a pretty necklace her daddy made her!

Large paws took step by step closer to whatever was in the grass, like a predator stalking its prey. But Cambria hardly considered herself a predator and she most definitely didn't think of the little prickly thing as prey. She just wanted to see what it was! Though as Mati told her to not get too close the chocolate girl froze, one of her front paws hanging in midair. Maybe whatever it was was really fragile like butterflies and if she got too close or touched it it would fall asleep forever. She didn't want that! "A hedgehogs?" What was a hedgehog?

As the older wolf extended a finger to touch the hedgehog Cambria took in a sharp intake of air, worried that it might indeed be as fragile as the butterfly. But thankfully nothing happened and the little girl heaved a relieved sigh. Carefully she crept a little close to get a better look at this hedgehog thing. Awww, it was cute! He had beady little eyes and cute skinny nose! She looked back to Mati. "A pup? Den where's his momma?" All pups had a momma. Was the little hedgehog exploring like she was?


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