Burn out Brighter

He didn’t understand, and she didn’t want to make him. If he knew, gods if he only knew what he would be up against. Haven, the brother that she held so dear, was light. He was a blazing light that she had never seen extinguished. Even in his time of weakness, that light had only dwindled, kept alive by his desire to live and become whole again. He was the sun that Corvus fed upon. The male would take him and bring him to his knees in moments. No sword, no knighthood, no stallion would match that wolf’s strength. And Mati would gladly lay her safety on the line to keep him from the monster.

It just isn’t! she yelled back, trying to match his louder, deeper voice. This is more then just me, and there is nothing you can do against him. Maybe is he understood that he would realize that what she felt was reality. Haven was no match for him. Mati looked at the caged beast behind the jade orbs. Matching it with her own hidden darkness. A scared arm reached to hold the male’s wrist. Though he was stronger, trained and a warrior Mati would always be larger. Just accept it. And know, I’m ok. Her words were weaker, and the truth in them nothing but a façade.


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