Let us sway into the sunset

Occ: blablabla

Svara watched the orange boy for a few moments before nodding. She could see this boy becoming something, and that made her happy. The sand was warm beneith her feet as she walked down the shore line. Water lapped at the sands leaving shells when it left. She really did like the beach, as long as she didn't have to touch the water. Svara thought about what the boy had said. She was sure he would give his life to protect this pack, and she would also do so.

Svara still remembered when they had all found her almost dead. She hadn't remembered who she was or what had really happened. Maybe she had blocked it out to protect her sanity. The red she wolf wasn't really sure, but she hoped to keep it in the past. "You should make a pretty good knight pumpkin head." Svara said already giving him a cruel nickname. She wasn't known for being very endearing.


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