Oh this isn't good
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... ndcopy.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
OOC: It's okay I join right?
Skylar was looking for her brother. It had been a while since she had seen him so she figured she should at least see if he was still alive. Like usual she was in her Luperci form, white poets shirt hanging large on her body and a leather belt around her mid section. The grey coyote girl had a small smile on her face. She had been happy since leaving Inferni. Her little plot was going great, and it would be fun to hang around there. She had washed away the scent the moment she had left, tedermind to keep her Inferni visits her little secret.

Moving deeper into Phoenix Valley she had a happy smile plastered on her face. It wasn't as if that much had happened, but she had been happy with it none the less. This Jael Character wasn't to bad either...
Skylar stopped as she saw her brother. It was the other Coyote that made her bite her lip. Inferni in Phoenix valley? They were such a moody bunch she didn't think they would leave their own home. Her brother of course was to sweet of a heart to be sour towards any. When Skylar saw Jefferson join the sence things went bad to worse for the Inferni member. Thinking on her toes she jogged right into the situation and flung herself at the Inferni Member. "Oh! You've come looking for me dear Friend!" She exclaimed looking straight into the Inferni members eyes her back to Jefferson she winked. "I thought I'd never see you again." She here she was playing her games, not that anyone would know except the inferni member she hoped like to play along.


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