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It's okay, my posts aren't exactly gold either

Ty nodded as he heard her explanation for being out here by herself, which certainly changed his impression of her. He should have remembered looks can be deceiving, he just caught her off doing something unusual, or at least that's what he drew up in his head, though he could've been wrong. "Just thinking about things huh? He replied as one of his ears twitched, either because of an itch or a bug was unknown. "Well, that's understandable, I too have times where I go off alone to think...course now I was just walking to meet new people, which I accomplished as we can see." He chuckled lightly before he continued. "And I gotta say, this was a good place to pick to take a rest...t's quite pretty here."

Ty looked up to notice the sun was in midday position, a light breeze was blowing through the area, making the blades of grass that surrounded the two dance and sway. He smiled warmly to himself as he turned to her again, still trying to keep their conversation going. "what were you thinking about? If you don't mind my asking of course, if it's private I'll stay out of it." He asked her as his ear twitched again, now he knew it was just the wind. He then proceeded to scratch his side and listen to her response.

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