a little more for me
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Cwmfen scolding Tokyo in this thread certainly works for mee~ Since Princess is running off for the time, Cwmfen can give her the basics about Corvus safely without breaking the continuity of Onus&Princess thread, I don't think Tokyo would be interested in talking about the incident too much with Princess. Crammed posts are fine, since this thread is so old we can probably wrap it up with a few eventful posts. XD. Thank you again for bringing Cwmfen in here, Req <3. 703 words

Princess babbled some agreement and apologies, but Tokyo was finding it had to focus on all the words she was saying. The important thing was that she was going to call Cwmfen, like her mother had asked. She felt light-headed, probably from her loss of blood. Her daughter stepped outside, but even with the wall of the den between them the howl, loud and desperate as it was, pierced her skull, and Tokyo scowled, wishing idly that she could shush her daughter, her thoughts not easily stringing logically back to the fact that the noise was simple Princess doing as she was asked.

Cwmfen arrived, and there was more noise, more talking. And the Princess was gone, off getting some water from the sea. Tokyo was not much looking forward to the salt water on her wounds, but she was idly pleased with the idea of it cleaning the blood off her fur. That would be nice. Then she'd be pretty, again, like she was supposed to be always. There was talking to her directly. She heard her name, spoken in Cwmfen's tones, and blinked her eyes, attempting to focus her vision and thoughts both with the action. What did he do to her?

Tokyo struggled to raise her head a little from where she had collapsed, achieving a slight distance from the ground and propping herself up with the leg not attached to the shoulder of hers that was torn. She came up with words, and worked on speaking them, her headache coming back with a vengeance and throbbing behind her right eyeball. The ground was sticky. Her ice blue eyes flitted towards that, her nose wrinkling in distaste. Why did this leg hurt, too? It felt like she was bruised everywhere, like she was just one giant bruise, and she felt every beat of her heart, every pump that oozed the fluid out of her shoulder and neck in particular, but also the less severe claw wounds on her chest.

Oh, right. There had been a question. Right. She shook her head, trying to dislodge whatever the hell it was that felt like it was digging its claws into her brain. "He was.. making threats on the borders. Disrespecting the pack. Was gonna call, for others.. He chewed me up. Pinned me down."

She didn't want to repeat the begging-for-her life aspect of her encounter with the evil black and white wolf. It was an awkward enough thing to bring up to Princess, but the idea of herself as she had been.. begging. Pleading. It was unpleasant and tasted sour in her mouth when she thought of it, and she really didn't feel like bringing up the subject to someone else. Besides, she'd look weak in Cwmfen's mind.. The image of Tokyo begging would be dredged up in the Adonis' mind, instinctively, of course, and Tokyo would lose face. And if Cwmfen decided to question further on that matter, Tokyo couldn't just tell her to drop it, couldn't threaten bad things if she didn't just shut the fuck up about it. She didn't have any control over Cwmfen, not like she did over her daughter.

The sound as the metal hit the floor of the den was even worse than the howling had been. Tokyo squished her eyelids closed, trying to shut out the bright lights that had flared at the noise. The paw she had been leaning on (which had been slipping slightly in the blood already) gave way, and once her face was settled again on the cool stone of the cave, she turned her head away from the opening of the den. She was doing what little she easily could to escape from the noise, from her god-damned noisy daughter why couldn't she just shut up shut up? The metallic scent of blood centimeters from her nose was overwhelming, and sent her mind reeling again, but she hadn't recovered enough from the clang to actually consider attempting to move.

She felt a nudge on her cheek; Princess. Her daughter tried to say something comforting, but the most comforting part of it that she was leaving. Good. There could be quiet, then. Quiet quiet quiet while Tokyo needed it, maybe she'd sleep sleeping was nice..

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