Swallow and let it slide

indent Icarus sniffed at the air once more, this time trying to detect the scent of anyone from Storm. He didn’t smell anything, but that didn’t mean that Dierdre or Dad weren’t close by. After all, Yahraw was a popular place for the wolves of Storm to frequent. Icarus grinned back at her. "Nice tah meet you, Legacy." He took a few steps forward, and shook his fur again, sending a few more bits of debris flying free. Looking back towards the Jaded Shadows pup, Icarus remembered what his idea had been earlier.

indent "Hey, Legacy, d’you know anywhere we can go an’ play so my daddy won’t find me here?" Icarus didn’t consider the fact that his dad could easily follow their shallow paw prints in the snow, and he figured he had concocted a rather brilliant idea.


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