two of a kind, you and i

indent Icarus bounded towards Yahraw, even though it was still very early in the morning. He had come to the conclusion that if he woke up earlier, he would have more time to play until his curfew was imposed. With that in mind, he had rolled out of bed earlier than any of his siblings and took off over the snow crusted grounds. The few spans of sun they had had helped to melt the snow some what, but even Icarus knew that more snow would soon be on its way. He marveled at the sunrise, as he crossed out of Storm’s territory and decided to pause only for a moment to catch the view of the oranges spilling over the horizon. With a satisfied grin, he took off towards the river. He was hoping he could lap up something to drink, or even find a good piece of ice to chew on. He had discovered icicles on some of the trees made good chew toys, but many of those were long gone.

indent The pup sniffed the air and enjoyed the rather stillness the day still portrayed. He knew, with the sun rising, animals of all sorts would soon rise and begin their daily activities. Even with that in mind, Icarus wasn’t expecting the caterwaul that came not too far off in the distance. With ears perked in interest, Icarus bounded off in the direction of the voice.

indent When he arrived, Icarus peered out from behind a tree to see a whelp just like himself. Looking around, he saw no one else around, and so decided to advance from behind his vantage point. "Hey", he called out with a grin. "Whatcha looking for?" He expected her to be fishing, but had no idea about the creature that had just paid her a visit.


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