roses, stars and sunshines...
[html] ... r/blue.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
"We are so much alike"
OOC:: okay ;D

Before the pup could answer weather he could stand the healer had him in her maw by the scruff. He wasn't to heavy for the she wolf as she started walking towards her house. Why was she even taking the whelp? She hated puppies. When he again insisted what her name was she grumbled through his scruff. Now was not the time to tell him who she was, not that she could without dropping him. All the way to the house she questioned herself. What was making her take the pup? Was it because it was her duty to the pack? Most likely because she had no sympathy for the little creature. Only her own offspring would have her love.

At the house Svara jumped onto the porch and pushed open the door. Walking in she dropped the four legged little bundle on the couch. Jumping up on the couch as well she laied down and stretched her wolf legs out. Still deprived of sleep she was exhausted. Narrowed yellow eyes looked at the small boy. "My name is Svara. Stop asking so many fucking questions, GOD!" The red she wolf said dramaticly already ignoring him as she laied her head on her paws and started to sleep. She really wasn't in the mood for this shit.


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