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She remained silent and absently watched as he finished his meal. He seemed to have awfully good table manners--although he looked rather collected and strong, so she supposed there was good reason for this. Her mixed heritage placed her above the coyotes in size, but she was still no larger than a small to mid-sized wolf. Usually, once she caught something she managed to gulp it down in a matter of moments. This came at the expense of being much messier and inelegant, although it greatly reduced the odds that her meal would be stolen.
Absorbed in her own thoughts, she first failed to realise what he was talking about. He clarified shortly, however, and she mulled over the sentiment. Matrix, like many youth, tended to take a lot for granted. The broken cities, the litter and rubbish--all of these things were almost natural to the girl. Life would be weird without it. Yet... there was one key difference between the human junk and nature's creations: although she utilised the tools and enjoyed certain knick-knacks found in the cities, she occasionally wished to destroy, as well. She would have no second thoughts burning an old house to the ground, but the thought of killing a tree was sickening. "I suppose that it is a reminder to all of us," she mused. Or they should be. A reminder not to kill when it wasn't for food; a reminder that too much knowledge or power could be a dangerous thing. "It's a shame many seem to ignore it." She had seen first-hand what human weapons could do.

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