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It was quite some thought, that all this was placed here as a reminder. Useful that it didn't all sink into the ground in its entirety, but remained loud and ravaged so all who looked upon it could heed its warning. Some could take it as more of a challenge, however. Some had failed to introduce industry and technology to the world, but the human abilities of Luperci had the capacity itself; some would take the could-be challenge up on its daunting offer, and try, try again. Chances were, however, all would fall to pieces once more; they lived in a post-apocalyptic world, but that was not to say that the only apocalypse had been and gone.

You're right, I suppose it's only too evident from all this that nature will always be the prevailing force. Tamerlane paused, and shifted his foot on the sharp edge of the car. But do you not think our capacity to be "unnatural" is natural enough? It's that age-old question again, he mused with a faint smile, the state of nature.

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