catch the mist, catch the myth
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Poor Jeffy. Aaawkwaaard.

Kansas hated scolding his children, for selfish reasons. It didn't feel right to him. This probably had something to do with his complex about being too young to be a father at all. Regardless of the reason, he was probably a bit more lenient with Cambria, Gotham, and Amata than Savina was. Though he truly didn't think his mate would have chastised Cambria for staring at Jefferson for a little too long. In all honesty, it was difficult not to stare at the intimidating man upon a first encounter. And it didn't have only to do with the scars; Jefferson's vibe was in itself intimidating.

Cambria's question caught the Sadira offguard. He chewed his lip a moment, then forced a grin and answered her sheepishly, with an air of reassurance. "I just didn't think I'd ever have a cute little girl like you," he said truthfully. Relieved that he'd come up with a half-intelligent answer, Kansas poked her forehead and turned to listen to the scarred wolf. His brow rose; he really had not expected the other to say he did have children. "That's neat. What're they like?" he asked, pure innocence. Being a dad did do one thing for him for sure—it took away some of his social anxiety, because he always had something to talk about.


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