thorns and roses

The small pup watched the adult nervously. Not only were her own nerves incredibly evident, but she could feel how distressed the man was. She had never seen an adult so upset before and somehow she knew that that couldn't possibly be good. Instinctively her tail tucked up against her belly. When he turned to look at her she saw surprise spread over his features. Apparently he hadn't expected anyone else to be around. Didn't he know that he was in a pack territory? He didn't belong to Crimson Dreams, her little nose told her that much. Grown ups knew better than to just go into another pack, didn't they? Even she knew you weren't supposed to do that. Not that she would have anyway. Cambria was perfectly content to stay inside Crimson Dreams.

When his ears also rolled back she felt a little safer. He didn't look like he was going to be mean to her or anything. She hesitantly stood her ground as he lowered the finger he had been so intent upon for her to look at. Owie! It looked like it hurt! It was bleeding! That wasn't good! Wait, what? He might lose his finger? Panic gripped her heart and she looked up at the man and whined. She was just a little puppy, what could she do? What did mommy and daddy do when she or her sibling got a boo boo? Oh! That's right! They kissed it to make it better! Cambria scooted a little closer and her tiny pink tongue licked the tip of his finger where the blood was. Then she looked back up at him, hoping that had done the trick. She didn't want him to lose his finger!


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