hear the sigh of the trees
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... _tiger.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

The world could be a fantastic and beautiful place, but it also held scary things. Crimson Dreams was her safe haven. While she was inside its borders, and most especially in the shadow of the mansion, Cambria believed that no harm would come to her. All of the adults would protect her if anything bad came around. But as soon as she was outside the safety of that invisible line was where all the monsters and the worries came about. If she was with her mommy or daddy, like she had been today, then she wasn't as scared. She knew they wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. But the rest of the world still scared her because it was all unknown and unexpected. But right now she didn't worry about how this different place was scary. She was just having fun with Noir and the duckling.

Little brown stick of a tail waved in the air and she smiled broadly as Noir laughed. Though when the older girl turned around and started to run away Cambria got confused. The pup rose back to her four paws and watched with a confused look on her face. Why was Noir running away from her? Had she done something bad? Oh no, she hoped she hadn't messed up. She had been having fun. But when the tan girl turned and called back it finally clicked in the small Marino's mind. Oh! They were playing a game! Happily Cambria picked up her butterfly and started bounding after the other puppy and duck. She couldn't wait to see what Noir had in mind! They liked all the same thing so whatever it was, she was sure she would like it. "Awwws cummin's!" she called through her mouthful of plush. This was all so exciting!


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